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Application Engineering

You can always rely on our team

The PASCHAL application engineering department consists of a team of experienced application technicians and engineers, who deal with special customer requirements. After your initial contact with the PASCHAL consultant, the team starts working on an optimised solution for your particular project. Smaller, less complicated tasks may even be outlined immediately on-site. Larger, more complex and elaborate tasks will be taken on by our team of highly competent specialists with international backgrounds right here at our home facility.

PASCHAL Anwendungstechnik

We always find the best solution for your formwork construction project

Our solution approaches are provided free of charge to you during the proposal stage. Our application engineering team will also be supporting you during the whole life cycle of the construction project. Their objective is to provide you with the quickest, most attractive, most low-maintenance, cost-effective and simplest solution according to your specifications.

Static calculations for formwork operations available if required

In addition to CAD generated formwork drawings, phases, and material lists, PASCHAL application engineering will also provide you with structural calculations for formwork deployment on request. In close cooperation with the PASCHAL custom formwork and the construction department, we develop solutions, which also cover topics beyond the combination of serial system components.

We are here for you


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+49 7832 71-0


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