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Change of leadership in PASCHAL SARL

From November 2nd this year, Philippe Neveu takes over the position as CEO of PASCHAL SARL.

After more than 10 years of loyal service, Claude CAPDEVILLE, current CEO PASCHAL SARL, will enjoy his well-deserved retirement.

Philippe Neveu, is not a beginner! Aged 50, he knows well the problems of construction and rental business. During the past 30 years he built himself a carrier in operational positions in Eiffage, Vinci and Razel among others. And for almost 5 years, he took over a leadership position in Bernda, the French subsidiary of the Dutch international Scafom.

His objectives are to continue the work of Claude CAPDEVILLE and to develop the distribution of specific formwork produced by PASCHAL Group, to provide optimized solutions to those involved in construction.

He and his team were at the PASCHAL booth at Batimat Fair.

Philippe Neveu, CEO PASCHAL SARL
Philippe Neveu takes over the position as CEO of PASCHAL SARL.

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