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Great Aluminum-Shoring System GASS for automobile factory

Fast and convenient processing

Mezzanine slab upgrade (60 meters in length) by means of GASS and MODULAR universal formwork is intended to increase transmission production

At times, long periods can stretch between the business decision to install new capacities and the availability of these in newly constructed buildings.
Suitable construction methods are called for to compress these periods by as much as possible.

A large German automobile manufacturer in Northern Germany plans to expand its factory capacities for engine components.

The expansion of an existing production building by 1,500 m² was accomplished with a mezzanine slab. The contract, valued at EUR 1.5 million, was awarded to the Gilserberg based Daume GmbH construction enterprise.

The preparatory tear-down work began in April 2011, requiring excavation work up to 3.00 m in depth. Piles and columns were built onto individual and strip footings; an individual footing measured 7.00 m by 9.00 m at a thickness of 1.60 m. In total, 110 tons of steel and 500 m³ C30/37 concrete were used. The MODULAR universal formwork was employed as foundation formwork.

Aluminum Shoring System GASS

In terms of construction technology, the 60m long mezzanine slab is of particular interest for its shoring. The slab is supported every 16 m by two 6.00 m high round columns. A beam that is 1.40 m in width, 1.90 m in height and also 60.00 m in length rests on these columns. 150 t tightly aligned 25 mm rebar in several layers serves as the reinforcement; 450 m³ of C30/37 concrete was employed. The beam was also framed with the MODULAR universal formwork. The easily manipulated MODULAR formwork has the advantage that it can be adjusted to the construction site conditions within 1 cm accuracies, without making gap adjustments on-site. The formwork was accomplished with ease and the dismantling without the use of lifting equipment.

28 pre-fabricated beams rest on the beam as cross-members and support the slab. The pre-fabricated parts engage like a frame into the in-situ concrete beam at 0.50 m.

The lengthwise beam and all pre-fabricated elements were supported with GASS. Not only does the GASS have the advantage of being able to support loads of up to 140 kN per leg, but also – because it is made from aluminum and therefore light and easy to handle – can be quickly installed and removed. This reduces construction time.

The combination of MODULAR formwork and GASS has proven itself in the field, allowing the work to proceed quickly and without complication – as was expected. The mezzanine slab work extended from July to September 2011. The building was already in use by October 2011.

Due to the positive outcome, the second construction phase, which is similar to the first phase, will be approached using the same methods. This construction work was started in March 2012 and will continue through October 2012.

Aluminum Shoring System GASS
The Great Aluminum Shoring System GASS can support loads up to 140 kN per leg. Four legs in combination with stiffeners form a stable tower.

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